Your Head of Security must not only fit seamlessly into your life, you must be able to trust them implicitly. They report directly to the head of the household, as well as anyone else you deem appropriate, and oversee all other members of security engaged by the household. This could include Bodyguards (also called Close Protection Officers), Residential Security Officer, and Security Chauffeur (also sometimes called Security Driver).
It is worth noting that depending on the household and the number of staff, the Head of Security may also be asked to assume the duties of any of these other roles. This could include control of the gate (preventing vehicles being allowed onto the grounds), receipt of parcels and post, and maintaining a vigilant watch over the home.
It is in your whole security team’s collective interest to assist in the smooth running of the residence and the safe movement of the family, though in particular the Head of Security, who coordinates and oversees all operations.
The Head of Security should be able to interact and manage the whole security team, but also work with and alongside other members of household staff, such as House Managers, Personal Assistants and Chauffeurs.
What is a residential security survey?
Your Head of Security will arrange and oversee this, but essentially, a residential security review examines all the layers and possible security breaches within and surrounding a home, to eliminate criminal risk.
This can include a review of lighting and landscaping, in order to deny a potential criminal any hiding places. Anti-climb devices may be considered, though solutions as simple as thorny plants can also be helpful when deterring intruders.
Essential skills for a Head of Security
When considering taking up a Head of Security role, it is imperative to be skilled or proficient in all of the following:
- Written & verbal communication,
- Following complex instructions,
- Interpersonal skills,
- Knowledge of security operations & procedures,
- Manage multiple tasks,
- Knowledge of basic security & fire inspection procedures,
- Lifting,
- Surveillance skills,
- Judgment,
- Objectivity,
- Dependability,
- Emotional control,
- Integrity,
- Safety management,
- Professionalism,
- Reporting skills,
- Patrolling,
- Attention to detail,
- Communication.
If you would like to take on a Head of Security, please contact Melissa Offer Private Staffing on +44(0) 207 101 3173. The same number applies if you are considering a career as a Head of Security. We look forward to hearing from you.